Sunday, March 22, 2009


Maryam left a little while ago. She has a crazy flight schedule: Cape Town - Jo'burg - Paris - Amsterdam (4 days here) - Minneapolis - Calgary. And I'm back to travelling on my own.

My time in Cape Town is down to 2 days. My flight is on Tuesday at 17:10 (or so) I fly to Istanbul, have a few hours there and then a flight to Madrid. Crazy stop over!

But before I go, I will be volunteering tomorrow - Monday - with an organization that is supported by the hostel where I am staying. I will be going to a school to play soccer with the kids, help with homework and maybe some other tasks. Should be a really good experience. It's only for the day but I really wanted to do it before I left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how did the volunteering go?
